The Fam

The Fam

Friday, 28 October 2011

Life in Meekatharra

Greetings from sunny Meekatharra.. A pleasnant 26 degrees today!  I took some photos last swing and have been meaning to show them off for the few of the McAllisters who aren't Facebook savvy.
Meekatharra from the air.
The Meekatharra tank which welcomes all the truckies coming down the Great Northen Highway
The main drag.  Majority of the stores are empty.. apart from the three pubs of course!
Andy Well - Where all the action is.  With any luck, this time next year this will be a massive pit!
Dusty work on the RC Rig
A bungarrow that was lurking around the sumps near the RC rig

I Spy: Can you find the bush chook?
Some of the action from the Meekatharra Races, of which Doray was the main sponsor
The Doray team at the Races
That's all for now.. almost 9pm so my bedtime!  Will take some more photos around the yard etc to give you a bit more of an idea of what Paradise looks like!

Thursday, 27 October 2011


Last weekend the boys (Hatsy, Dale, Bones, Skinny, Stribley, Locky) and I took a trip to Australia's No 1. golf course; Barnbougle Dunes, located right on Bass Strait in the top right hand corner of Tasmania.
All seven of us managed to get Friday off work, so we headed up Thursday night in the mini bus to the nearby town Bridport.

The 10th @ 7am

Warming Up

It was an early start and we were at the course by 7am.  I took the opportunity to get this snap of the 10th.   We then paid our $100 for a round and took some practice balls to the fair way. 

We got off to a flying start but it didn't take long to realise that once the balls were in the rough there was no chance of finding them.

Careful golf was a must, with hundreds of emails being pinged around leading up to the event - I was focused.

Trying hard not to hit it in the rough took all of my concentration but  my efforts paid off - in 18 holes I shot an 88.

The weather was mild and the infamous winds held at bay and we were fully able to appreciate the stunning course. 

A boozy lunch ensured my good round was not to be replicated, and my tee shots started spraying into the vicious rough.  Everyone was finding it difficult - as seen the by the photo of Skinny (Rhys) getting out of the bunker (3rd attempt)!

I managed to find the biggest bunker on the course on my second 18 - lucky it only took me 2 shots to get out!

After 36 holes of golf  we were all exhausted, ad it was an early night for another 20 holes of golf at Barnbougle Lost (Ball) Farm the next day.

When they designed this course they allowed for 20 holes - by the time they were finished they couldn't decide which ones to leave out so there are 20 holes!

Another stunning course with plenty of rough to consume lost balls and it did!  I managed to lose 20 balls!  It was a long day we were all keen to hit the 21st hole.

Sore head Sunday but totally worth it,
I hope you enjoy the pics..


As seen above

Friday, 21 October 2011

Prue & Don's FIFO alternative

Had a visitor today, Steve Ware, and Don and I took a turn over Bonnie Brae ( one by one!)   Apparently I am the first female to venture up with Steve!  Pretty amazing views, but got a tad high for me - just out of the clouds so Steve said when we landed.
It's a bit like being on an airborne motorbike. WIll make riding pillion with Don a breeze!

Bonnie Brae from river

As you can see - pretty rudimentary steering!
There's not much to it!

Looking down drive - at this stage I thought we were a little too far off the ground for my liking.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Don at Daylesford!

This is one of two photos that we managed to take at Daylesford - Don forgot to charge his new camera. As you can see, it was a beautiful day and the Lake was looking just gorgeous.  After such a big hike, we had to stop and recharge the batteries with scones and jam & cream at the Lakehouse.

We met this duck on our lap around the lake!

Photo number 2!

Thanks everyone for a great day! I loved Don's birthday and can't wait for the next one!! (Don loved it too and is looking forward to my birthday!)