The Fam

The Fam

Friday 28 October 2011

Life in Meekatharra

Greetings from sunny Meekatharra.. A pleasnant 26 degrees today!  I took some photos last swing and have been meaning to show them off for the few of the McAllisters who aren't Facebook savvy.
Meekatharra from the air.
The Meekatharra tank which welcomes all the truckies coming down the Great Northen Highway
The main drag.  Majority of the stores are empty.. apart from the three pubs of course!
Andy Well - Where all the action is.  With any luck, this time next year this will be a massive pit!
Dusty work on the RC Rig
A bungarrow that was lurking around the sumps near the RC rig

I Spy: Can you find the bush chook?
Some of the action from the Meekatharra Races, of which Doray was the main sponsor
The Doray team at the Races
That's all for now.. almost 9pm so my bedtime!  Will take some more photos around the yard etc to give you a bit more of an idea of what Paradise looks like!

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